Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Day One: Jay is freaking

Its been less than 24 hours since Jay got fired from his swanky lockstepper Republican PAC job. He admitted last night it was a blessing in disguise. He was thinking of quitting next month anyway. He didn't like the work, their politics, or their management.
His initial reaction was to move from Austin and go back home to Snyder, Texas. A bad move in my opinion, we shall see. Hopefully he took my advice and is in the midst of filling out paperwork at the unemployment office. His direct quote minus the expletives was, "I've been paying in since I was 14 years old, its time to get mine." Spoken like a true playa! Things must be bleak when Republicans are eating their own. I said, "hell if foreigners, Katrina refugees, and Aids ridden Haitians can collect, why not the Jayman?"
He laughed, its good to keep the humor going in trying times. I shared with him that he should completely get dependant on the system for the next 7 to 10 months and invest in a comfortable bathrobe, ala our hero "the Dude". He could scob milk at the uptown Whole Foods and write check for 87 cents. I told him again to get cracking on the welfare.
As I was pulling in to my paltry job at the crack of 1:25pm, it hit me. I usually get one or two great money making ideas a day that I never follow through with, but this one was different. I called Jay up wondering if he was going to have to get a pre-pay phone and said, "Man we need to get you a blog." He said, "what, I cant do that I have no internet here." I said, "no problem, we can figure out how to get around that later." I explained my idea which basically is That we beg for cash on the internet and entertain everyone while doing it. So thats where we are at today.


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